Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Drag Your Facebook Chatbox anywhere On The Screen

Guys we know Facebook chat box has its fixed position  but you can drag your FB chat box anywhere, If you follow following step.

Step 1: First, Click here to add pretty Facebook Chat  extention to your chrome browser

Step 2: Click on "Add to Chrome" then you will be asked to Confirm New Extetion, So click on Add Button.

Step 3:The Extention will Start Downloading, Once Downloaded , Just Open Your Facebook and See Your Chatbox. Now You can drag it anywhere on the screen and also the Size of the Chatbox will increase.

(Please restart your browser If the chat is not dragging)

Note: If you Want To remove this App, just Goto Setting > Tools > Extentions and Disable the Extention. Or You Can Delete it if you think You Will not Use it again.

Monday, June 3, 2013

How to change the processor name of your windows 7/vista and XP.

Here is A trick to Change Your Processor Name (Temperory). This is just for fun, you can show your friends that you have latest version Processor.

To change the processor name, follow the simple steps below.

1. First click start button and search with keyword "RegEdit". you will see now RegEdit.exe file. Open it.

2.On the left hand column in Register Editor, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

3. Open : Hardware->Description->System->CentralProcessor->1

4. Now you can see a few lines of text on your right side in Registry Editor. Right-Click the one that is named "ProcessorNameString" and click on modify to change processor name.

5. Now change the processor name and save it. 

6. Now check your processor name. It has been changed.

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